martes, 27 de agosto de 2013


  1. Sklar Robert, Movie – Made America, Vintage Books New York, Pág. 3
  2. Stokes, Melvyn, D.W. Griffith`s The Birth Of A Nation, Oxford University press pag. 34
  3. Ballerini, Edoardo, The Death And Afterlife Of A Silent Film Idol, The Valentino Mystique by Allan A. Ellenberg, Library of Congress, prefacio
  4. Hein, Carolina, Laura Mulvey, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, Druck and Bindung pag 15.
  5. Gilbert, Nora, Victorian Novels, Hays Code Films And The Benefits Of Censorship, Stanford Law Books, Pag. 113
  6. Zielger, Leopold, Lotte H. Eisner, The Hauntes Screen, University of California, Pag. 2
  7. Stokes, Melvyn, Gilda, Film Classics, Palgrave Macmillan, Pag 87
  8. Kristin Thompson, David Bordwell, Film History a Introduction, Mac-Graw Hill

    9.  George A. Reisch, James Bond And Philosophy, Popular Culture And Philosophy, Pag 8
    10. McCormick, Carlo, You Killed Me First The Cinema Of Transgression, Walther König, Sinopsis
    11. Nowlan, Robert, The Films Of The Eighties, MacFarland & Company Inc, Introduction
    12. Newman, Michael, Indie And American Film Culture, Columbia University, pag 3, 15
    13. Rodley, Chris, Lynch on Lynch, Faber and Faber, pag 10

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